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Ahoy! You've reached the homepage of...

( pronounced / ˈjɜːbl̩ / ; rhymes with 'gerbil' )
( Yurble's pronouns are they / them )
This site is a hub for resumes, contract samples, demos, reels, publications, links, prototypes, media, and other info from Yurble regarding their various gig services in entertainment and education.

Have a look below to learn more about Yurble...

Pardon our appearance! Web design for variety gig services takes a fair bit of time - and we'd rather have the site up one page at a time than wait...
The finished pages you can view so far are listed below in white, while the pages still to be completed are in grey. I promise they're things that I actually do, but in the meantime you'll just have to trust me!
If you want to reach me about one of the services that does not have a page dedicated to it yet, please contact me about it!
About Yurble
Ahoy! My name is Yurble, and I am an entertainer and educator.
I am genderfluid non-binary—which to make a very long story about the trans experience short, means that I get to have a cool name.
I live and work from my home in the Hudson Valley NY, and can satellite (from my getaway van) for all kinds of gigs in the broader tri-state area.
I specialize in physical theater, multi-instrumental music composition, and East Asian cultural studies. As a gig entertainer and educator I find a serene joy in the process of learning new art forms, collecting skills that lie outside marketability, and teaching so as to inspire the same enthusiasm in others.
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